Style Guide (English)

Guidelines for Authors

“AL-ILM” is a multilingual (Arabic, Urdu, English) Bi-Annual Research Journal of the Institute of Arabic & Islamic Studies, Govt. College Women University, Sialkot. The Journal publishes creative and innovative research articles on any aspect related to Islamic Studies. However, the manuscripts related to contemporary issues of the Muslim world will be highly appreciated.

Manuscript Submission

The manuscripts must be uploaded by Register/Log in to OJS website of the Journal. To facilitate academic review and production, authors must provide complete Information (name, address, phone number(s), current position/title, and name(s) of universities) of themselves and their co-authors on OJS submission menu. Incomplete submitted articles will not be considered. Moreover, manuscripts will be considered for publication only if they have not been published previously and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

The Review Procedure

            Manuscripts that are submitted to AL-ILM’’ are subject to evaluation by at least two independent referees (including one from technologically advanced countries) who are expert in the applicable field. The decision to accept or reject a manuscript rests solely with AL-ILM’’ Editorial Board. This decision is final. The Editorial Board will, however, base its decision primarily upon the recommendations of the referees who have evaluated the papers.

Format Requirements

1. General Requirements:

Unsolicited Manuscripts must be written in English/Urdu/Arabic. Type the manuscript on white bond paper, 8-1/2×11 inches (21.6×27 cm or A4 size paper) with margins of at least 1.5 inches (4cm). Type on one side of the paper only double spacing every page. Begin each of the following section on separate page and in the following order: Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Results, Discussion, and References. Number the pages of the research paper consecutively, beginning from the title page. Type the page number in the upper right-hand corner of each page in English, and in the upper left-hand corner of each page in Urdu and Arabic.

Articles must be submitted in MS Word, For Urdu Article Jameel Noori Nasta’leeq, For Arabic Sakkal Majalla Font Size 14 , for headings font size should be 16 (bold) and for English in Times New Roman, Font Size 12and for English headings font size should be 16 (bold). The numbers of the pages must be between 10 to 15.

2. Abstracts:

Provide an abstract the paper on a separate page which must not consist more than 150 words. This abstract should consist of labeled background, Methods, Results and Conclusion, briefly describing respectively, the problem, mode of its study, results, conclusion and suggestions.

3. Key Words:

Include the Key Words relating to the article subject

4. Introduction:

State the primary information of the topic and rationalize its study.

5. Literature Review:

State the research work related to your topic, done before in a comprehensive manner

6. Discussion:

Emphasize the new and important aspects of the study and describe its conclusions. Link the conclusions with the goals of the study and avoid the conclusions not completely supported with valid references.

7. Results & Recommendations

Provide the results of study and recommendations in logical sequence in the text.

8. References:

  1. The Article should meet the research standards.
  2. References should be in the form of end notes.
  3. References of Urdu and Arabic books should be written in Roman English using transliteration keys in addition to Urdu or Arabic.
  4. Text and references must follow the format outlined in the Chicago Manual of Style 16th Edition.

9. References should be at the end of the article (Endnote)
10. All notes citing books must contain the complete title, name of the author(s), place of publication, publishing company, and date.
11. All foreign words must be underlined and transliterated. The editorial team of Al-Ilm reserves the right to change the transliteration of all historical names, titles, and non-English terminology to bring conformity with its own style.
12. Editor Board of “AL-ILM” reserves the right to decline any manuscript without expressing any reason. Non-compliance to guidelines of “AL-ILM” will lead towards non-publishing of the article.
13. For Book review three sets of books must be sent to Editor AL-ILM on the address provided below.
14. Any Positive feedback is cordially welcomed at the address provided below:


For Correspondence:

Editor “AL- ILM”  Dr Sayeda Sadia
Institute of Arabic & Islamic Studies, Govt. College Women University,
Publisher: Institute of Arabic & Islamic Studies, Govt. College Women University, Sialkot. Pakistan

                                                                                                                                Editor. “ AL- ILM”