About the Journal

Research Journal “AL-ILM” is being published by the Institute of Arabic & Islamic Studies, Govt. College Women University, Sialkot, since 2017. It is an open access, bi-Annual, peer reviewed, trilingual (Arabic, Urdu, And English) research journal which publishes research articles and book reviews electronically as well as in printed form. The Journal welcomes the scholarly contributions related to core subject i.e. Islamic Studies and covers various dimensions of Islamic thoughts and civilization. Furthermore, the research articles associated with socio-religious issues of the Muslim World will be highly appreciated.

Journal Information

Journal Full Name: 
pISSN: 2618-1134
eISSN: 2618-1142
Frequency: Bi-annual (2 issues per year)
Nature: Print & Online
Submission: By registering/login to the Journal OJS website (Link)       
Language of Publication: English, Arabic, Urdu.
Accreditation: Application Submitted for Accrediation for the Year 2024-25

Published by:  Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Govt. College Women University, Sialkot